The ubiquity of this poison is an example of epistemicide. I elaborate on epistemicide at the bottom of this blog.
The chemical that is added to keep Glyphosate in suspension in the herbicide is what lab people give lab rats to create tumours.
I wrote this article on Glyphosate (the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup and its generics) in November 2015. I wanted to make a few comments on the comments about this article that have been made since writing.
First, a note on scientific peer reviewed studies. Science lost it’s credibility a long time ago. Science lost it’s objectivity long ago. The vast majority of scientists will find what their paymasters want them to find. The bigger the industry the more hysterical the so called scientists clamour to defend it, see tobacco, cell phones, pharmaceuticals and of course agricultural chemicals.
To critically evaluate scientists we need to ask the following questions.
- Who paid for the research?
- Who did the research?
- Where did the researcher work before?
- Where does the researcher aim to work in the future?
- Has the researcher ever served on the boards or worked for the companies in the industry that is being researched?
- Has the researcher ever worked for any government agency that regulates the industry being researched?
- Have you examined the whole content of the research in the light of common sense?
Many times the summary statement or conclusions do not match the actual data or results.
Second, not everything that exists is measurable. One of the favourite daggers hurled at me when I discuss one element of BioDynamics, namely the energetic part of life, is that for scientists or real farmers to take any of this seriously it needs to be measured. Love is not measurable, not even in grams or millimetres. Hence the scientist has never loved.
Third, Glyphosate is merely the tool through which the agricultural chemical and seed companies are trying to establish their monopoly. It is a very powerful and clever way to achieve what every business wants. The side effects, like those of pharmaceuticals, are beside the point to these corporates who only care about their stock price. In my Goldman Sachs days I completely understood the quarterly driven mania for good results. What Glyphosate is doing is taking agriculture out of the farmers hands and into the corporates. Farmers care about their grandchildren whereas the nature of corporates is to care about the next quarter. These are incompatible values.
Fourth, the best video on Glyphosate is the one below. By retired geneticist Thierry Vrain. Once you have watched this you will understand this poison and it’s ubiquity. It’s chelating, desiccating, antibiotic and herbicide effect.
Fifth, the ubiquity of Glyphosate in our food. There are many butchers in the country who now claim to be supplying their clients with grass fed beef. This is very easy to validate. Earlier this year I tested the meat from many of the butcheries around the country to see if there was any Glyphosate in the meat. If there is Glyphosate then the animals has been fed grain as all grains in this country are grown or killed with Glyphosate. There are a very small handful of grain growers who do not use Glyphosate. I tested lamb and beef and as you can see below there were 8 samples that tested positive. See the photo below.
Finally, Epistemicide, a term coined by Jonathan Code, author of the book Muck and Mind, refers to the cide (the Latin word for killing or death) of epistemology. In other words, the killing of a way of knowing.
What we are never taught, but need to be aware of at all times, is that there is never only one way of knowing. There might appear to be only one but there was never one at the beginning and killing a way of knowing does not make it any less valid. Furthermore all ideas stem from an individual and we all know that no human has access to absolute truth, if such an idea exists.
Very few people are taught to question what is behind the way of knowing. Is the way you were taught mathematics the only way? The same applies to science. Who questions the unquestioned beliefs in society? Unquestioned beliefs only exist because of epistemicide.
The dominant paradigm in the world today is one of reductionism. Where everything is isolated, reduced, quantified and objectified. All of these principles are in violation of life which is not only the opposite of the abovementioned but also contextual. How can anyone claim confusion as to the parlous state of the world when the system is in violation of nature and life? This proves how powerful epistemicide is.
In the world of agriculture and gardening the use of Glyphosate is total. Only the certified BioDynamic and Organic farms do not use Glyphosate. This is an example of the epistemicide of farming and gardening without the use of herbicides.
2 July 2017
5 Responses
I thoroughly agree Angus. For years I suffered from eosinophilic esophagitis without understanding why. I thought gluten was to blame but then couldn’t understand why some rice would get stuck in my esophagus and others wouldn’t. But after reading about glyphosate and its side effects I decided to try certified organic rice instead and low and beheld – I was able to digest it without issue. Now I am in a constant mission to find and eat organic foods wherever possible and my condition has improved. It wouldn’t be possible without farmers like yourself who have not sold out to GM. Thank you for your passion and purpose. I continue to spread the message about glyphosate in the hope that as a community we can stand together to make educated decisions about the food we buy for our and our future generations health and well-being. PS your bacon is out of this world! It’s was such a joy to taste bacon with so much flavor – I wondered if that is how it must have tasted to our grandparents and theirs before them.
Hi i have just come across your blogs now on GMO’s and so loving them. I am doing research to run a family whole foods workshop and came across your articles. I can’t get the link above for the video, do you think they took it down? I would love to share this info on my platform,, has anything changed since these articles in 2017? I am investigating the rise of disease in children in this country and trying to educate parents to make the right food choices.
Thanks again
Christine Phillips
Hello Christine.
It appears that they have removed the video.
Here is another one with Thierry Vrain talking
Sadly every year more chemicals are used on agricultural land which also becomes less every year.
I just wrote a blog post about this here.
What is epistemicide? Visit us IT Telkom
the killing of a way of knowing