The mislabelling of “free range” eggs is not going to change anytime soon.
Hello A consistent theme on this blog is the mislabelling of eggs. First, labelling eggs as free range when they are barn raised and don’t
Our bone broth. Upgraded and now available.
Hello Bone broth is an ancient elixir. It has been linked to curing infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, digestive problems and many other chronic ailments. Ours
Bacteria:Friend or Foe?
Hello In March 2015 we presented our first As We Eat seminar. I am lucky enough to be part of the group presenting these seminars.
This video explains exactly how our cattle heal the earth.
Hello Another unedited GoPro. This time also hand held. Filmed by me last Sunday on the winter solstice. My reference to healing the earth is
Today, in the rain, I went out on the farm with my GoPro…
Ours is one of only two outdoor laying hen operations in the country, on a commercial scale. The so called free range hens did not
5 reasons for BioDynamic agriculture.
People who can distill complex ideas into language that lesser mortals can understand are rare. Monty Waldin is one of them. He has a great
Food produced in violence begets violence.
Hello There are many very well explained reasons for the upsurge in violence in this already violent country. One that has not been properly explored
Eggs are mislabelled. This is something you can change.
Hello. 96% of the hens in this country “live” in cages where they produce their eggs. The poultry industry is fighting an amendment in parliament
First Farmer Angus GoPro video. What is an Eggmobile. February 2015
I am going to try on all the GoPro videos to give them to you raw (unedited) off the farm. Here is the first one.
The wastefulness of filet eaters.
Hello At least twice a week I have a request to supply a client with rump, filet and sirloin (only 7% of a beef carcass).
The grim month of Movember was for the amazing Ukuthemba charity
Hello The pictures that follow are not the prettiest on this blog. Rico and I took the abuse knowing that the chance would come to
My first white wine. Ezibusisweni Chenin Blanc 2012
Hello Ezibusisweni is the Zulu word for the Place of Blessings. This is what the bottle looks like. I have chosen to use the